Ginette Hillman
Ginette Hillman’s artistic practice spans painting, photography, art installation & spaces.
Her work arises out of an exploration of states of transcendence where form and chaos, embodiment and dissolution, death and resurrection, find passionate expression.
The notion of the artwork as a place of healing underpins her practice. The artefact has an almost shamanic function of opening the viewer to his or her own possibility of transformation. The sheer energy of the work confronts any form of stagnation. Hillman says she is interested in ‘mastering the human journey’ and her works are attempts to unmask authenticity itself.
Hillman’s work wrestles with the fundamental polarity of body and spirit and her large canvases can be viewed as sites of an existential and sacred battle. The colour surfaces accrue a palpable charge and the final brushstrokes appear at times as valedictory scripts, at other times as lyrical way stations on a journey of metamorphosis.
Hillman was the 2015 winner of the Kalgoorlie Boulder Art Prize Award for Excellence in 2D painting for the painting ‘Polarities’, a serious indicator of success for an emerging artist.
During July and August of 2017, Ginette Hillman staged her first solo exhibition at Replants in Fremantle, titled ‘From Scared to Sacred’.